Tank Sight Glasses
Tank Sight Glasses, also called Sight Eyes and Sight Bubbles, are available in 2″, 3″ and 5″ diameters utilizing glass and plastic visual eyes, usually in a bubble shape, but may also be available in a flat window configuration. The weld ring is available to match the material of the tank; steel, stainless steel and aluminum. 2′ and 3″ types are generally threaded, and the 5″ is usually glass and held in place by a frame and Jam Nut. Also available are Sight Tubes; usually a length of clear hose, secured between to elbows welded in the tank – acting much like a boiler sight tube. Tank Sight Glasses and Tubes are a lower cost solution to gauging the fluid level in your tank. They are subject to breaking if subjected to a hard shock and it is a good practice to always keep a spare in the tool box.
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